Thursday, October 13, 2005

Life In General

Not much new is going on with me.

We went to the pumpkin patch in Dundee the other day and took the kids through the corn maze and bought a couple of pumpkins and some corn stalks to decorate the posts on the porch. It looks really cute. Here’s a pic…

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I’m having a MK/Cookie Lee/Tastefully Simple open house at my house tomorrow night. I’m kind of nervous about that and hope that some people actually show up.

Saturday is Sweetest Day. Jason and I will have been together for 2 years. Wow, how time flies when you’re having fun. I don’t know that we are doing anything special, but we’ll have to think of something.

We tried to install the blinds in Austin’s bedroom last night and one of the screws broke and is sticking about a quarter of an inch out of the wall and until we figure out how to get that out of there, we can’t install the blind. How the heck does a screw break? Maybe I had the torque up too high on the drill? I don’t know, but either way it pissed me off. I ended up going downstairs and falling asleep watching tv at about 8:30 or so. Jason woke me up sometime after 9 and I went back upstairs and went to bed. I’ve been so freaking tired lately. I know that taking my prenatal vitamin will help, but every time I take them I feel sick. I just need to make sure that I’m getting enough to eat. I still haven’t gained any weight. None, zero, zip, zilch…


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